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Writer's pictureAbbot Mark Kerr

Peace of God! Christ is Born!

“And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense and myrrh” (Matt. 2:11).

Over two-thousand years ago, the Magi came from the East, led by a star, to find the Newborn King. They were called from far-away lands to be among the first to find the Messiah, Who was humbly born in a cave with no conveniences. In doing so, they fell down before Him with love and awe, fully understanding that the One they found was the true King of peace. Let us rejoice then, dear brothers and sisters, as we greet the Newborn Christ, as the Magi did so many years ago! Let us put behind us the temptations of the past year and open our hearts to the Savior—our only true hope and consolation. Over the last year, we have all gone through trials and tribulations with the current pandemic. Most have been confined to their homes and many have stayed away from their churches. That which we considered to be most normal and within our own decision (as to how or when we participate) has been taken away from us, stirring within us anxiety, worry and concern in our daily life. Nevertheless, we cannot become despondent, nor should we fear for what tomorrow will bring. Rather, we should, with firm strength and faith, move forward with trust in God, doing what is necessary to protect ourselves and others, while still persevering in our spiritual struggles and movement towards Christ. So dear friends, in these trying times, we call upon you to do as the Magi and fall down in prayer before Christ with love, humility and faith. Like them, we are led by a bright star—the Church, which shows us Who Christ is, revealing Him to us as the Son of God and Savior of our souls. He is the Source of healing, life and victory over death, and only He will lead us out of these current temptations and restore us to health, both physically and spiritually. Amen! Truly Christ is Born! Happy and Blessed New Year 2021! Your intercessor before the Christ-Child, + L O N G I N Bishop of New Gracanica and Midwestern America

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